Academic & Research Innovation and Success




Sustain fully accredited educational programs that undergo continuous evaluation and improvement. Maintain a fully accredited MD Program that is competency-based and efficiently incorporates changes. Incorporate trends in health care education into the MD Curriculum.
Enhance faculty knowledge and skills in curricular revision, management, and program evaluation.
Improve the process for systemic updating of curricular maps.
Enhance curricular and student databases to facilitate curricular, programmatic, and program evaluations.
Improve curricular integration of the preclinical years.
Maintain the Continuous Assessment Process (CAP).
Maintain strong, accessible, and competitive MS and PhD Programs, focused on deepening knowledge and developing research skills in the Biomedical Sciences. Improve compliance with time-to-degree expectations for MS and PhD students
Secure source of income that will directly support the graduate programs.
Improve the systematic assessment processes of the biomedical academic programs.
Promote the responsible and professional behavior of biomedical students and faculty.
Maintain the Continuous Assessment Process (CAP).
Maintain fully accredited Graduate Medical Education Programs with emphasis on quality of patient care and adequate working environment. Improve resident training in patient safety, quality of care, and patient-centered care.
Maintain the Graduate Medical Education Program Continuous Assessment Process (GME-CAP).
Maintain the continuous accreditation status of the programs efficiently addressing ACGME citations.

Strengthen Research

Enhance the level of success of the school’s investigators. Increase collaboration with the MSC Deanships of Research and Administration.
Foster collaborations amongst the school´s investigators.
Increase pilot and seed money for research projects.
Improve communication and collaboration with the Medical Sciences Campus Dean of Research. Appoint a basic science and a clinical science, research liaison which will represent the Dean of Medicine in communications and collaborations with the MSC Deanship of Research.
Improve research opportunities at the Medical Sciences Campus for medical students. Create a centrally-monitored online database of available research opportunities for medical students.
Create a centralized online database of the research activities conducted by the school´s medical students.
Increase the number of research projects available to students during their clinical years.
Strengthen students’ exposition to research projects regarding determinants of health.