Debora H. Silva Díaz, MD, FAAP, MEd.

Deborah H. Silva Díaz, MD
Interim Dean

The University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine proudly presents its Strategic Plan 2024-2029, meticulously crafted to steer its mission with excellence. This inclusive plan engaged faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders, emphasizing the institution’s commitment to educating diverse, competent healthcare professionals and advancing impactful research and healthcare services, particularly for underserved communities.

At its core, the plan underscores the institution’s dedication to fostering empathy, cultural competency, and groundbreaking research among future healthcare professionals and scientists. With a focus on delivering high-quality healthcare services and advocating for all sectors of society, the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine aims to extend its expertise beyond academia, contributing significantly to public health and the broader community’s well-being.

The school recognizes the importance of strategic planning and continuous quality improvement processes in navigating the complexities of contemporary academia and healthcare. As the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine embarks on the journey outlined in the Strategic Plan 2024-2029, it does so with the confidence that the inclusive, participative, and evaluative processes employed during its development have laid a robust foundation for sustained success and impactful contributions to medical education, research, community engagement, and healthcare delivery.