In the following links you’ll be able to find easy to use programs and calculators. Some can be used for data entry and data analysis, others to make more simple calculations


WINPEPI & PEPI. Simple programs and easy to use calculators. The goal of the program is to complement other statistical program packages. 

EpiData Entry and EpiData Analysis. The first one is for simple data entry and for data documentation. Have document optimization characteristics and error detection. EpiData Analysis is for basic statistical analysis, graphs and complete data management 

Epi Info. Public domain program design for public health practitioners and researchers. It can make easy the construction of forms and databases, data entry, and data analysis, using epidemiological statistics, maps and graphs. 

SISA. This program allows making statistical analysis directly on the internet. Some of the Statistical Analysis that can be done in the web page are: One-way Anova, t-Test, Fisher exact, correlations. You can also calculate sample size or power calculation among other things. 

Graphpad quickcalcs. Online calculator for scientists analyzing categorical data, continuous data, and statistical distributions. It also generates random numbers and interprets p values. 

 OpenEpi. Statistics for counting and person-time rates in descriptive and analytical studies, statistical analyzes, stratified exact confidence limits analysis, peer analysis, sample size and power calculations, random numbers, chi square test for trend dose -response, sensitivity, specificity and other evaluation statistics, tables RxC and links to other useful sites. 

Power Calculation 
PS: Power and Sample size calculation. Interactive program for power and sample size calculation and can be downloaded free of charge. It can be used for studies with dichotomous, continuous, or survival response measures. The program can determine the sample size needed to detect a specified alternative hypothesis with the required power, the power with which a specific alternative hypothesis can be detected with a given power and/or sample size. This program can also produce graphs to explore the relationships between power, sample size and detectable alternative hypotheses. The program can generate graphs of sample size versus power for a specific alternative hypothesis, sample size versus detectable alternative hypotheses for a specified power, or power versus detectable alternative hypotheses for a specified sample size. 

Randomization. Here you can find three randomized tools. The first one randomize each subject with one treatment using the permuted randomized blocks method. The second one creates randomized permutations of treatments for situations where the subjects receive all treatments in a randomized order. The third one generates a random permutation of integers. It is useful for a sample selection without replacement. 

UCLA Computing. Online tutorials, sample codes and examples for SAS, STATA, SPSS among other statistical programs. 

VassarStat. Online tools for statistical calculations 

iEpidemiology. Easy to use calculator for data analysis of epidemiological studies. This application is available only for iPhone users. Enter your study data (exposed/unexposed, cases/non-cases or person-time) and calculate crude relative risk, risk difference, and confidence intervals. 

Birthda. This is a Vitalnet software for birth data analysis. It calculates birth rates, cesarean rates, teenage birth rates, fertility rates, prenatal care measures, low birth weights, birth outcomes, and other birth statistics. 

cdc wonder 
CDC Wonder. Online databases that use a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data. Reports and other query systems are also available 


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