Dr. MillerDr. Mark W. Miller

Institute of Neurobiology, Lab 112
787-721-4149 x269

Interests: Nervous System Structure and Function in an Intermediate Host for Schistosomiasis

The parasitic disease schistosomiasis (also referred to as ‘snail fever’) is estimated to impact the lives of up to ten percent of the people on Earth. Due to the chronic and debilitating nature of its symptoms, schistosomiasis ranks second only to malaria in terms of the costs inflicted on the economic productivity of developing countries. One obligatory factor that is shared by all schistosome blood flukes is the presence of specific snail species that serve as intermediate hosts, supporting critical stages of their multiplication and transformation into forms that are capable of infecting humans. The class of schistosomiasis that occurs in the Western Hemisphere is caused by Schistosoma mansoni, which requires the planorbid pond snail Biomphalaria glabrata to serve as its primary intermediate host. As human infections would cease if parasite infections in snails were prevented, our investigation explores the Biomphalaria nervous system for potential interventions in this host-parasite system.


Figure 1 – Serotonergic neurons that regulate male reproductive behavior of Biomphalaria glabrata. Neurons that project to male reproductive structures were labelled with a dye (green) prior to processing for serotonin-like immunohistochemistry (red). Double-labeled neurons (yellow) are serotonergic neurons that project to male reproductive structures.

Lab Students

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Deborah Vallejo

Lee Vaasjo

Francisco Tirado

Nadia Delgado

Present Funding: NIH COBRE, NSF CREST

Selected Publications:

  • Vaasjo LO, Quintana AM, Habib MR, Mendez de Jesus PA, Croll RP, Miller MW. (2018) GABA-like immunoreactivity in Biomphalaria: Colocalization with tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the feeding motor systems of panpulmonate snails. J Comp Neurol. 2018 Aug 1;526(11):1790-1805. PMID: 29633264
  • Vaasjo LO, Quintana AM, Habib MR, Mendez de Jesus PA, Croll RP, Miller MW. (2018) GABA-like immunoreactivity in Biomphalaria: Colocalization with tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the feeding motor systems of panpulmonate snails.  J Comp Neurol. 2018 Apr 6. doi: 10.1002/cne.24448. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29633264
  • Mansour TA, Habib MR, Rodríguez LCV, Vázquez AH, Alers JM, Ghezzi A, Croll RP, Brown CT, Miller MW. (2017) Central nervous system transcriptome of Biomphalaria alexandrina, an intermediate host for schistosomiasis. BMC Research Notes 10: 729. doi: 10.1186/s13104-017-3018-6.
  • Habib MR, Mohamed AH, Osman GY, Sharef El-Din AT, Mossalem HS, Delgado N, Torres G, Rolón-Martínez S, Miller MW, Croll RP. (2015). Histamine immunoreactive elements in the central and peripheral nervous systems of Biomphalaria spp., intermediate hosts for schistosomiasis. PLoS One, Jun 18;10(6): e0129800. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129800. PMID: 26086611.
  • Vallejo D, Habib MR, Delgado N*, Vaasjo LO, Croll RP, Miller MW (2014) Localization of tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the nervous systems of Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria alexandrina, intermediate hosts for schistosomiasis. J Comp Neurol. 522(11):2532-52.
  • Delgado N, Vallejo D, Miller MW. (2012) Localization of serotonin in the nervous system of Biomphalaria glabrata, an intermediate host for schistosomiasis. J Comp Neurol doi: 10.1002/cne.23095. [Epub ahead of print]
  • García-Crescioni K, Miller MW (2011) Revisiting the reticulum: feedforward and feedback contributions to motor program parameters in the crab cardiac ganglion microcircuit. J Neurophysiol 106(4):2065-2077.
  • Martínez-Ruvio C, Serrano GE, Miller MW. (2010) Octopamine promotes rhythmicity but not synchrony in a bilateral pair of bursting motor neurons in the feeding circuit of Aplysia. J Exp Biol 213(Pt 7):1182-1194.
  • García-Crescioni K, Fort TJ, Stern E, Brezina V, Miller MW. (2010) Feedback from peripheral musculature to central pattern generator in the neurogenic heart of the crab Callinectes sapidus: role of mechanosensitive dendrites. J Neurophys 103(1):83-96.
  • Stern, E., Garcia-Crescioni, K., Miller, M.W., Peskin, C.S., and Brezina, V. (2009) A method for decoding the neurophysiological spike-response transform. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 184: 337-356. PMID: 19695289.
  • Wentzell, M.M., Martínez-Rubio, C., Miller, M.W., and Murphy, A.D. (2009) Comparative neurobiology of feeding in the opisthobranch sea slug Aplysia, and the pulmonate snail Helisoma: evolutionary considerations. Brain Behavior & Evolution 74: 219-230.  PMID: 20029185.
  • Martínez-Rubio C, Serrano GE, Miller MW. (2009) Localization of biogenic amines in the foregut of Aplysia californica: catecholaminergic and serotonergic innervation. J Comp Neurol. 514:329-42.
  • Miller, M.W. (2008) Colocalization and cotransmission of classical neurotransmitters: an invertebrate perspective. In: Co-existence and Co-release of Classical Neurotransmitters (R. Gutiérrez, Ed.) Springer. New York.
  • Stern E, Fort T, Miller M, Peskin C, Brezina V. (2007) Decoding modulation of the neuromuscular transform. Neurocomputing 70: 1753-1758.
  • Fort TJ, García Crescioni K, Agricola H-J, Brezina V, Miller MW. (2007) Regulation of the crab heartbeat by crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP): Central and peripheral actions. J. Neurophysiology. 97: 3407-3420.
  • Serrano GE, Martínez-Rubio C, Miller MW. (2007) Endogenous motor neuron properties contribute to a program-specific phase of activity in the polymorphic feeding central pattern generator of Aplysia. J. Neurophysiology. 98: 29-42.
  • Fort TJ, Brezina V, Miller MW. (2007) Regulation of the crab heartbeat by FMRFamide-Like peptides: Multiple interacting effects on center and periphery. J. Neurophysiology 98: 2007-2902.
  • Serrano GE, Miller MW. (2006) Conditional rhythmicity and synchrony in a bilateral pair of bursting motor neurons in Aplysia. J. Neurophysiology 96:2057-2071.
  • McPhie DL, Miller MW. (2006) Biological Bulletin virtual symposium: Marine invertebrate models of learning and memory. Biological Bulletin 210: 171-173.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW. (2006) Target-specific regulation of synaptic efficacy in the feeding central pattern generator of Aplysia: Potential substrates for behavioral plasticity? Biological Bulletin 210: 215-229.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW. (2005) Rapid dopaminergic signaling by interneurons that contain markers for catecholamines and GABA in the feeding circuitry of Aplysia. J Neurophysiol. 93: 2142-2156.
  • Walters ET, Bodnarova M, Billy AJ, Dulin MF, Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW, Moroz LL. (2004) UCSomatotopic organization and functional properties of mechanosensory neurons expressing sensorin-A in Aplysia californica. . J. Comparative Neurology 471: 219-240.
  • Painter SD, Cummins SF, Nichols AE, Akalal D-B G, Schein CH, Braun W, Smith JS, Susswein AJ, Levy M, de Boer PACM, ter Maat A, Miller MW, Scanlan C, Milberg RM, Sweedler JV, Nagle GT. (2004) Structural and functional analysis of Aplysia attractins, a family of water-borne protein pheromones with interspecific attractiveness. Proc Natl Acad Sci 101: 6929-6933.
  • Fort TJ, Brezina V, Miller MW. (2004) Modulation of an integrated central pattern generator – effector system: Dopaminergic regulation of cardiac activity in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. J. Neurophysiol. 92: 3455-3470.
  • Robie A, Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW. (2003) A population of pedal-buccal projection neurons associated with appetitive components of Aplysia feeding behavior. J Comp Physiol A 189: 231-244.
  • Wu JS, Jing J, Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. (2003) Identification of a GABA-containing cerebral-buccal interneuron-11 in Aplysia californica. Neurosci Letters 341:5-8.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Oyola E, Miller MW. (2002) Colocalization of GABA-like immunoreactivity and catecholamines in the feeding network of Aplysia californica. J. Comparative Neurology 445: 29-46.
  • Kirk MD, Meyer JS, Miller MW, Govind CK. (2001) Dichotomy in phasic-tonic neuromuscular structure of crayfish inhibitory axons. J. Comparative Neurology 435: 283-290.
  • Rosen SC, Miller MW, Cropper EC, Kupfermann I. (2000) Outputs of radula mechanoafferent neurons in Aplysia are modulated by motor neurons, interneurons, and sensory neurons. J. Neurophysiology 83:1621-36.
  • Rosen SC, Miller MW, Evans CG, Cropper EC, Kupfermann I. (2000) Diverse synaptic connections between peptidergic radula mechanoafferent neurons and neurons in the feeding system of Aplysia. J. Neurophysiology 83:1605-20.
  • Delgado JY, Oyola E, Miller MW. (2000) Localization of GABA- and glutamate-like immunoreactivity in the cardiac ganglion of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. J. Neurocytology 29: 605-619.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Suess E, Miller MW. (1999) Localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Aplysia californica. J. Comparative Neurology 413: 255-270.
  • Alexeeva V, Borovikov D, Miller MW, Rosen SC, Cropper EC. (1998) Effect of a serotonergic extrinsic modulatory neuron (MCC) on radula mechanoafferent function in Aplysia. J. Neurophysiology 80: 1609-1622.
  • Miller MW. (1997) A cellular approach to the study of complex natural behavior patterns in the ragged sea hare (Bursatella leachii), a marine invertebrate indigenous to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Health Sci. J. 16: 23-36.
  • Giardino ND, Aloyz RS, Zollinger M, Miller MW, DesGroseillers L. (1996) The L5-67 and LUQ-1 peptide precursors of Aplysia californica: Distribution and localization of immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues. J. Comparative Neurology 374: 230-245.
  • Ramos LJ, Rocafort JLL, Miller MW. (1995) Behavior patterns of the aplysiid gastropod Bursatella leachii in its natural habitat and in the laboratory. Neurobiol. of Learning and Memory 63: 246-259.
  • Miller MW, Rosen SC, Schissel SL, Cropper EC, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. (1994) A population of SCP-containing neurons in the buccal ganglion of Aplysia are radula mechanoafferents and receive excitation of central origin. J. Neuroscience 14: 7008-7023.
  • Miller MW, Beushausen S, Cropper EC, Eisinger K, Stamm S, Vilim FS, Vitek A, Zajc A, Kupfermann I, Brosius J, Weiss KR. (1993) The buccalin-related neuropeptides: Isolation and characterization of an Aplysia cDNA clone encoding a family of peptide cotransmitters. J. Neuroscience 13: 3346-3357.
  • Miller MW, Beushausen S, Vitek A, Stamm S, Kupfermann I, Brosius J, Weiss KR. (1993) The myomodulin-related neuropeptides: Characterization of a gene encoding a family of peptide cotransmitters in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience 13: 3358-3367.
  • Miller MW, Alevizos A, Cropper EC, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. (1992) Distribution of buccalin-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of Aplysia californica. J. Comparative Neurology 320: 182-195.
  • Weiss KR, Brezina V, Cropper EC, Hooper SL, Miller MW, Probst WC, Vilim FS, Kupfermann I (1992) Peptidergic co-transmission in Aplysia: Functional implications for rhythmic behaviors. Experientia 48: 457-463.
  • Miller MW, Vu E, Krasne FB. (1992) Cholinergic transmission at the first synapse mediating the crayfish lateral giant escape reaction. J. Neurophysiol. 68: 2174-2184.
  • Miller MW, Alevizos A, Cropper EC, Vilim FS, Karagogeos D, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR (1991) Localization of myomodulin-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of Aplysia californica. J. Comparative Neurololgy 314: 627-644.
  • Kupfermann I, Rosen SC, Teyke T, Miller MW, Nagahama T, Cropper EC, Hooper S, Vilim FS, Weiss KR. (1991). Feeding behavior in the sea hare, Aplysia californica: a model for the neural and behavioral study of behavioral states. In Molluscan Neurobiology, Kits, K.S., Boer, H.H., and Joose J., Eds., Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam: 12-24.
  • Rosen SC, Teyke T, Miller MW, Weiss KR, Kupfermann I. (1991) Identification and characterization of cerebral-to-buccal interneurons implicated in the control of motor programs associated with feeding in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience 11: 3630-3655.
  • Cropper EC, Miller MW, Vilim FS, Tenenbaum R, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. (1990) Buccalin is present in the cholinergic motor neuron B16 of Aplysia and it exerts presynaptic inhibitory effects at the B16-ARC neuromuscular junction. Brain Research 512: 175-179.
  • Sullivan RE, Miller MW. (1990) Cholinergic activation of the lobster cardiac ganglion. J. Neurobiology 21(4): 639-650.
  • Kupfermann I, Rosen S, Teyke T, Cropper EC, Miller M, Vilim F, Weiss KR. (1989) Neurobiology of behavioral states in Aplysia: Non-associative forms of plasticity of feeding responses. In: Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems, Elsner, N., and Winger, W., Eds.; Georg Thieme Verlag, N.Y., pp. 47-59.
  • Cropper EC, Miller MW, Tenenbaum R, Kolks MAG, Kupfermann I, Weiss KR. (1988) Structure and action of buccalin: A modulatory neuropeptide localized to an identified small cardioactive peptide-containing motor neuron of Aplysia californica. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 85: 6177-6181.
  • Mirolli M, Cooke IM, Talbott SR, Miller MW (1987) Structure and localization of synaptic complexes in the cardiac ganglion of a portunid crab. J. Neurocytology 16(1): 115-130.
  • Miller MW, Lee SC, Krasne FB. (1987) Cooperativity-dependent long-lasting potentiation in the crayfish lateral giant escape reaction circuit. J. Neuroscience 7(4): 1081-1092.
  • Miller MW, Parnas H, Parnas I. (1985) Dopaminergic modulation of crustacean neuromuscular transmission. J. Physiology (London) 363: 363-375.
  • Sullivan RE, Miller MW. (1984) Dual effects of proctolin on the rhythmic burst activity of the cardiac ganglion. J. Neurobiology 15: 173-196.
  • Miller MW, Benson JA, Berlind A. (1983) Effects of dopamine on the cardiac ganglia of the crabs Portunus sanguinolentus and Podopthalmus vigil. J. Experimental Biology 108: 97-118.
  • Miller MW, Sullivan RE. (1981) Some effects of proctolin on the cardiac ganglion of the Maine lobster, Homarus americanus (Milne Edwards). J. Neurobiology 12: 629-639.

Selected abstracts/presentations:

  • Martínez-Rubio C, Serrano GE, Miller MW (2008) Immunohistochemical localization and modulatoy actions of octopamine in the feeding network of Aplysia californica. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 574.17/OO16.

  • García-Crescioni KB, Stern E, Brezina V, Miller MW (2008) Exploring the role of feedback in a simple central pattern generator network. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 375.24/OO23.
  • Stern E, García-Crescioni K, Miller MW, Peskin CS, Brezina V (2008) Modeling the complete cardiac ganglion – heart muscle network of the crab Callinectes sapidus. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 376.14/PP7.
  • Martínez-Rubio C, GE Serrano, Miller MW (2007) Production of behavior-specific motor activity by a central pattern generator. 7th IBRO World Congress.
  • Martínez-Rubio C, Miller MW (2007) Catecholaminergic innervation of the buccal ganglion originating from the esophagus and pharynx of Aplysia californica. 33rd Annual East Coast Nerve Net.
  • Martínez-Rubio C, Moroz L, Miller MW (2006) Simultaneous gene expression mapping of two neuropeptides in the CNS of Aplysia californica. 32nd Annual East Coast Nerve Net Meeting.
  • Serrano G, Martínez-Rubio C, Miller MW (2006) Polymorphic central pattern generation: endogenous motor neuron properties contribute to program-specific activity. Soc. for Neurosci Abst., 253.23.
  • Garcia K, Martínez-Rubio C, Serrano GE, Vazquez N, Reyes D, Jezzini S, Kohn A, Heyland A., Moroz L, Miller MW (2006) Simultaneous gene expression mapping of two neuropeptides in the CNS of Aplysia californica. Soc. for Neurosci Abst., 449.27.
  • Martínez-Rubio C, Serrano GE, Maldonado A, García K, Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW (2006) Asymmetrical dopaminergic innervation within the esophagus may possibly underlie different feeding related behaviors in Aplysia californica. 15th Annual Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference, abstract 20.
  • Stern E, Fort TJ, Miller MW, Peskin CS & Brezina V (2006) Decoding neurophysiological responses to arbitrary spike trains. Soc. Neuroc. Abstr., 491.7 (Online Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner).
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Miller MW. (2003) Divergent and convergent synaptic signaling by interneurons that contain GABA and dopamine in the feeding circuitry of Aplysia. Annual Meeting for the Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, MW Miller (2002) GABA and dopamine colocalization in interneurons of the Aplysia feeding circuit: Presynaptic actions of GABA. Program No. 367.12. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
  • Fort TJ, Brezina V, Krenz W-D, Miller MW (2002) Modulation of the Callinectes heart by crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP): Peripheral modulation of a central pattern generator circuit. Program No. 465.17. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
  • Fort TJ, MW Miller (2001) Functional organization of the cardiac system of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: GABAergic and catecholaminergic regulatory fibers. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 27, Program No. 942.5.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, Oyola E, Mesce KA, Klukas KA, Orkand RK, MW Miller (2001) Localization of tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of Aplysia californica. . Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 27, Program No. 943.3,
  • J Delgado, V Colón, A Figueroa, Serrano G, MW Miller (2000) Effects of FMRFamide Related peptides on the heartbeat of the Caribbean lobster Panulirus argus. Abstracts of the 21st Annual UPR RCM Research Forum: 69.
  • Delgado JY, KA Klukas, KA Mesce, RE Blanco, MW Miller (2000) Localization of crustacean cardioactive peptide-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Aplysia californica. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25.
  • Díaz-Ríos M, MW Miller (2000) Colocalization of GABA-like immunoreactivity and catecholamine histofluorescence in neurons of the feeding circuitry in Aplysia californica. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25.
  • MW Miller (1999) The localization of GABA- and glutamate-immunoreactive material in the cardiac ganglion of the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Soc for Neurosci Abs 24:1968.
  • M Díaz-Ríos, E Suess, MW Miller (1998) The distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Aplysia. Society for Neuroscience Abst 24: 1841.
  • SC Rosen, MW Miller, I Kupfermann (1998) Kinematics analysis of radula movements during biting and grazing behavior in Aplysia and Bursatella. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24: 1892.
  • MW Miller, J-C Suarez, T Teyke (1997) Identification of peptidergic neurons involved in the regulation of feeding behvior in Bursatella leachii. Abstracts of the 9th Puerto Rico EPSCoR Annual Meeting: 30
  • G Maynard-Salgado, B Ramos, S Soto, MW Miller, C Zuazaga (1997) Distribution of myomodulin-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the tropical shrimp Atya (Decapoda: Atyidae). Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23: 727.
  • O Matamoros, MW Miller (1996) Distribution of R15a2-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the ragged sea hare, Bursatella leachii: A developmental study. Abstracts of the 8th Puerto Rico EPSCoR Annual Conference: 68.
  • J-C Suarez, N Giardino, T Teyke, MW Miller (1996) The ragged sea hare Bursatella leachii: A model system for studying the role of identified peptidergic neurons in the regulation of complex behavior patterns. Abstracts of the Fifth Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference: 38.
  • LJ Ramos, JLL Rocafort, MW Miller (1995) Behavior patterns of the Aplysiid gastropod Bursatella leachii in its natural habitat and in the laboratory. Abstracts of the Third Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference: 19.
  • SC Rosen, MW Miller, EC Cropper, I Kupfermann (1995) Reciprocal interactions between identified sensory neurons, CPG neurons and higher order influential neurons in the control of feeding behavior in Aplysia. Neurobiology of Aplysia Cold Spring Harbor Conference: 46.
  • EC Cropper, C Evans, MW Miller, SC Rosen (1995) Multiple mechanisms for peripheral activation of the peptide-containing sensory neurons B21 and B22. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 21: 149.
  • N Giardino, R Aloyz, M Zollinger, MW Miller, L DesGroseillers (1995) The L5-67 and LUQ-1 peptide precursors of Aplysia californica: Distribution and localization of immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 21: 627.
  • M Miller, N Giardino, R Aloyz, M Zollinger, L DesGroseillers (1995) The L5-67 and LUQ-1 peptide precursors of Aplysia californica: Distribution and localization of immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal; Abstracts of the Fourth Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference: 61.
  • MW Miller, LJ Ramos, JLL Rocafort (1994) Behavior patterns of the Aplysiid gastropod Bursatella leachii in its natural habitat and in the laboratory. Sixth Puerto Rico EPSCoR Annual Conference: 37.
  • SC Rosen, MW Miller, EC Cropper, I Kupfermann (1994) Modulation of outputs of a mechanoafferent neuron by sensory, motor, and interneuronal elements in the feeding pattern generator network of Aplysia. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 20: 23.
  • MW Miller, LJ Ramos, JLL Rocafort (1994) Behavior patterns of the Aplysiid gastropod Bursatella leachii in its natural habitat and in the laboratory. Soc for Neurosci Abst 20: 229.
  • MW Miller, SC Rosen, EC Cropper, SL Schissel, I Kupfermann, KR Weiss (1993) SCP-containing radula mechanoaferent neurons in the buccal ganglion of Aplysia: Response properties and biochemical characterization. First Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference: 18.
  • SC Rosen, MW Miller, KR Weiss, I Kupfermann (1993) Multiple forms of synaptic plasticity if mechanoaffernt neurons – Implications for the neuronal control of radula closing during feeding in Aplysia. Neurobiology of Aplysia Cold Spring Harbor Conference: 43.
  • KR Weiss, V Brezina, E Cropper, J Heirhorst, S Hooper, M Miller, B Probst, F Vilim, I Kupfermann (1993) Modulatory actions of cotransmitters in the feeding behavior of Aplysia – mechanisms of action and functional implications. Neurobiology of Aplysia Cold Spring Harbor Conference: 66.
  • I Kupfermann, D Deodhar, MW Miller, SC Rosen, EC Cropper, KR Weiss (1993) Multiple sites of modulation of feeding behavior, and an approach to functional understanding via the use of genetic algorithms. Neurobiology of Aplysia Cold Spring Harbor Conference: 67.
  • MW Miller (1993) The distribution of myomodulin-like immunoreactive material in the nervous system and peripheral tissues of the ragged sea hare, Bursatella leachii. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 992.
  • SC Rosen, MW Miller, KR Weiss, I Kupfermann (1993) Different forms of gating of a peptidergic mechanoafferent neuron by central pattern generator neurons in the feeding system of Aplysia. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 1700.
  • L Nieves, MW Miller, CL Santiago (1994) Clonaje de Neurotropinas (NT-3, NT-4, BDNF y NGF). Abstracts of the 29th ACS Junior Technical Meeting: S-229.