Our hospital is a University-Community based, trauma level II Institution, that serves 250,000 populations in the northeastern coast of our Island and is chaired by Dr. Juan A. González-Sánchez. The recently approved status of Department of Emergency Medicine was granted both as an academic department and as a fully recognized department service at the UPR Hospital and the School of Medicine. Our Emergency Department with approximately 50,000 visits/year is staffed with Emergency Medicine attending physicians 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. They, with the help of a team of residents and a specialized emergency nursing staff, have the responsibility for initial triage, evaluation, management and disposition of all the patients presented to our institution. It consists of the Ambulatory Care area, the Acute Care (pediatric and adult) area, a Critical Care area and two Trauma Resuscitation areas.
Our Department
Administrative Personnel

Berlina Robles

Iris M. de Jesus