Dr. Ana M. Espino

Ana Espino

Contact Info

  • Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Parasitology
    Department of Microbiology, Office/Lab. A-386
  • (787) 758-2525 Ext 1318


  • B.S. Biochemistry, University of Havana, Cuba, 1982
  • M.Sc. Parasitology / Parasite Immunology, Institute of Tropical Medicine ‘Pedro Kourí”, Havana, Cuba, 1987.
  • Ph.D. Parasite Immunology / Medical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine ‘Pedro Kourí”, Havana, Cuba, 1997.
  • Post-Doc. Molecular Parasitology, Department of Pathology, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, 1998-2002


ESPINO Lab.’s Mission

The molecular parasitology and Immunology Lab’s mission is to develop novel anti-inflammatory drugs against sepsis and auto-immune diseases and empower education in parasite immunology sciences, by studying the immunomodulatory capacities of the parasitic helminths and using these properties in beneficies of human health. Knowing that our immune system co-evolved and shaped our immune system for millions of year along parasitic helminths and that these organisms are ‘master modulatory’ we aim at identifying and characterizing defined parasitic molecules with anti-inflammatory properties, understand the mechanisms underlying such immunomodulatory properties and develop anti-inflammatory drugs that can ameliorate the pathology and severity of autoimmune diseases.

Our Laboratory has been pioneer in demonstrating that molecules belonging to the fatty acid binding protein from the parasitic helminth Fasciola hepatica termed Fh12/Fh15, exhibit powerful inflammatory properties and that have been effective suppressing the cytokine storm and many inflammatory markers and increasing the survival rate in mouse and non-human primate sepsis models, respectively. Our lab. has been privileged with two USA patents associated to the use of Fh12/Fh15 as anti-inflammatory drugs (USA 15/156,284 and USA  16/280,999).

Current areas of Research Include (We are actively recruiting graduate students):

  1. Determining optimal doses of Fh15 that maximize the therapeutic effect of this molecule in mouse and non-human primate sepsis models. Understanding the mechanims underlying these therapeutic effects.
  2. To assess the efectiveness of Fh15 as biotherapeutic in a mouse model of ulcerous colitis. Characterizing the effect of the Fh15 treatment on the gut microbiome and understanding the mechanisms that make possible the therapeutic effect of Fh15 in this disease.
  3. Determining if Fh15 can improve chemotherapy on experimental colitis-induced colorectal cancer.
  4. Understanding the immune mechanism underlying the interaction between Fh15 and innate immune cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils.

Active Grants Awards

  1. Espino, AM (PI) (SC1AI155439)-NIAID. Targeting professional APCs using Fasciola hepatica FABP to suppress inflammation. 2020-2024. $1,466,609. 00.
  2. Sariol, CA (PI) U01 CA260541-01. SARS-CoV-2 correlate of protection in a Latin Origin Population.      2020-2025, $3,091,010.00. Role: Collaborator
  3.  Espino, AM. (PI) 2024-00045 DDEC. Fh15: a recombinant molecule derived from the parasitic helminth Fasciola hepatica is a promising anti-inflammatory biotherapeutic drug to suppress the SARS-CoV-2 induced cytokine storm. 2024-2025. $250,000.00


  • Espino, A.M., Armina-Rodriguez, A., Alvarez, L.; Ocasio-Malavé, C.; ,Ramos-Nieves, R.; Rodriguez Martinó, E.I.; López-Marte, P.; Torres, E.A.; Sariol, C.A. 2024. The Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG1 and IgG3 Antibody Isotypes with Limited Neutralizing Capacity against Omicron Elicited in a Latin Population a Switch toward IgG4 after Multiple Doses with the mRNA Pfizer–BioNTech Vaccine. Viruses 16: 187. https://doi.org/10.3390/v16020187
  • Valdes-Fernandez, B., Ruiz-Jimenez, C., Armina, A., Mendez, LB., Espino, A.M. 2024. Fasciola hepatica GST mu-class suppresses the cytokine storm induced by E. coli-lipopolysaccharide, whereas it modulates the dynamic of peritoneal macrophages in a mouse model and suppresses the classical activation of macrophages. Microbiology Spectrum 11;12(1): e0347523. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.03475-23.PMID: 38018982
  • Rosado-Franco J., Armina-Rodriguez A., Marzan-Rivera N., Burgos AG., Spiliopoulos N., Dorta-Estremera S., Mendez LB, Espino AM. Recombinant Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein (Fh15) as a novel anti-inflammatory biotherapeutic in an acute gram-negative non-human primate sepsis model. Microbiology Spectrum Dec 22; 9 (3) 301910-21. doi: 10.1128/Spectrum.01910-21. PMID: 34937173; PMCIID: PMC8694124. bioRxiv pre-print doi: https//doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461321.
  • Jose J. Rosado-Franco, Marcos J. Ramos-Benitez, Laura M. Parodi, Derick Rosario, Nicole Compo, Luis D. Giavedoni, and Ana M. Espino. Outlining key inflammation-associated parameters during early phase of an experimental gram-negative sepsis model in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Animal Models and Experimental Medicine (Accepted).
  • Aguayo, V. Valdes BN, Rodriguez-Valentin, M., Ruiz-Jimenez, C., Ramos-Benitez, M. Mendez LB, Espino AM. Fasciola hepatica GST down regulates NF-κB pathway effectors and inflammatory cytokines while promoting survival in a mouse septic shock model. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 19; 9(1): 2275. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37652-x.
  • Ramos-Benitez, M., Ruiz-Jimenez, C., Ramos-Perez, W.D., Mendez, LB., Osuna A., Espino AM. Fh15 blocks the LPS-induced cytokine storm while modulating peritoneal macrophage migration and CD38 expression within spleen macrophages in a mouse model of septic shock. mSphere mSphere 2018 Dec 19; 3(6). pii: e00548-18. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00548-18. PMID: 30567900.
  • Gomez-Samblas M, Bernal D, Bolado-Ortiz A, Vilchez S, Bolás-Fernández F, Espino AM, Trelis M, Osuna A. Intraperitoneal administration of the anti-IL-23 antibody prevents the establishment of intestinal nematodes in mice. Scientific Report, 2018 May 17;8(1): 7787. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26194-x. PMID: 29773890.
  • Ramos-Benitez, M, Ruiz-Jimenez C, Aguayo V., Espino AM. Recombinant Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein suppresses toll-like receptor stimulation in response to multiple bacterial ligands. Scientific Reports 2017, 7:5455. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05735. PMID: 28710478.
  • Figueroa-Santiago, O, Espino AM. Fasciola hepatica ESPs could indistinctly activate or block multiple toll-like receptors in a human monocyte cell line. Annals of Clinical Pathology 2017, 5 (3): 1112. PMID: 29152559
  • Gomez-Samblas M, García-Rodríguez JJ, Trelis M, Bernal D, Lopez-Jaramillo FJ, Santoyo-Gonzalez F, Vilchez S, Espino AM, Bolás-Fernández F, Osuna A. Self-adjuvanting C18 lipid vinil sulfone-PP2A vaccine: study of the induced immunomodulation against Trichuris muris infection. Open Biology 2017 Apr; 7(4). pii: 170031. DOI: 10.1098/rsob.170031. PMID: 28404797
  • Shin SH, Hsu A, Chastain HM, Cruz LA, Elder ES, Sapp SG, McAuliffe I, Espino AM, Handali S. Development of Two FhSAP2 Recombinant-Based Assays for Immunodiagnosis of Human Chronic Fascioliasis. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016 Oct 5; 95(4): 852-855. PMID: 27549636
  • De Pablos LM, Díaz Lozano IM, Jercic MI, Quinzada M, Giménez MJ, Calabuig E, Espino AM, Schijman AG, Zulantay I, Apt W, Osuna A. The C-terminal region of Trypanosoma cruzi MASPs is antigenic and secreted via exovesicles. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:27293. PMID: 27549636.
  • Rivera F, Espino AM. Adjuvant-enhanced antibody and cellular responses to inclusion bodies expressing FhSAP2 correlates with protection of mice to Fasciola hepatica. Experimental Parasitology 2016, 160: 31-8. doi: 10.1016/j.exppara.2015.11.002. PMID: 26632503
  • Martin I, Caban-Hernandez K., Figueroa-Santiago O, Espino A.M. Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein inhibits TLR4 activation and suppresses the inflammatory cytokines induced by LPS in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Immunology 2015, 194 (8): 3924-36. PMID: 25780044
  • Figueroa-Santiago O, Espino AM. Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein induces the alternative activation of human macrophages. Infection and Immunity 2014, 82 (12): 5005-12. PMID: 25225247
  • Cabán-Hernández K, Gaudier JF, Ruiz-Jiménez C, Espino AM. Development of two-antibody detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for serodiagnosis of human chronic fascioliasis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2014, 52(3): 766-72. PMID: 24353000
  • Cabán-Hernández K, Espino AM. Differential expression and localization of saposin-like protein 2 of Fasciola hepatica. Acta Tropica 2013, 128(3): 591-7. PMID: 23988299
  • Morales A, Espino AM. Evaluation and characterization of Fasciola hepatica tegument protein extract for serodiagnosis of human fascioliasis. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2012, 19(11): 1870-8. PMID: 23015645
  • Gaudier JF, Cabán-Hernández K, Osuna A, Espino AM. Biochemical characterization and differential expression of a 16.5-kilodalton tegument-associated antigen from the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2012, 19 (3): 325-33. PMID: 22278327
  • Cabán-Hernández K, Gaudier JF, Espino AM. Characterization and differential expression of a ferritin protein from Fasciola hepatica. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 2012, 182(1-2): 54-61. PMID: 22240114
  • Figueroa-Santiago O, Delgado B, Espino AM. Fasciola hepatica saposin-like protein-2-based ELISA for the serodiagnosis of chronic human fascioliasis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2011, 70 (3): 355-61. PMID: 21683266
  • Boukli NM, Delgado B, Ricaurte M, Espino AM. Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni: identification of common proteins by comparative proteomic analysis. Journal of Parasitology 2011, 97(5): 852-61. PMID: 21506812
  • Solano-Parada J, Gonzalez-Gonzalez G, Torró LM, dos Santos MF, Espino AM, Burgos M, Osuna A. Effectiveness of intranasal vaccination against Angiostrongylus costaricensis using a serine/threonine phosphatase 2 A synthetic peptide and recombinant antigens. Vaccine. 2010, 19; 28(32): 5185-96. PMID: 20558243
  • Espino AM, Morales A, Delgado B, Rivera FM, Figueroa O, Suárez E. Partial immunity to Fasciola hepatica in mice after vaccination with FhSAP2 delivered as recombinant protein or DNA construct. Ethnicity and Disease 2010, 20 (1 Suppl 1): S1-17-23. PMID: 20521379
  • Espino AM, Rivera F. Quantitation of cytokine mRNA by real-time RT-PCR during a vaccination trial in a rabbit model of fascioliasis. Veterinary Parasitology 2010, 19; 169(1-2): 82-92. PMID: 20056331
  • Espino AM, Torres D, Morales A, Delgado B, Quetel J, Osuna A. Fasciola hepatica: identification of CD4+ T-helper epitopes from the 11.5 kDa saposin-like protein SAP-2 using synthetic peptides. Experimental Parasitology 2007, 117(1): 65-73. PMID: 17475253
  • Torres D, Espino AM. Mapping of B-cell epitopes on a novel 11.5-kilodalton Fasciola hepatica-Schistosoma mansoni cross-reactive antigen belonging to a member of the F. hepatica saposin-like protein family. Infection and Immunity 2006, 74(8): 4932-8. PMID: 16861685
  • Espino A. M, Osuna A, Gil R, Hillyer GV. Fasciola hepatica: humoral and cytokine responses to a member of the saposin-like protein family following delivery as a DNA vaccine in mice. Experimental Parasitology 2005, 110 (4): 374-83. PMID: 15907838
  • Espino A. M, Hillyer GV. A novel Fasciola hepatica saposin-like recombinant protein with immunoprophylactic potential. Journal of Parasitology 2004, 90(4): 876-9. PMID: 15357089
  • Espino AM, Hillyer GV. Molecular cloning of a member of the Fasciola hepatica saposin-like protein family. Journal of Parasitology 2003, 89(3): 545-52. PMID: 12880256
  • Espino A.M, Rodríguez Medina JR, Hillyer GV. Isolation and immunological characterization of fatty acid binding protein isoforms from Fasciola hepatica. Journal of Parasitology 2001, 87(5): 1028-33. PMID: 11695360
  • Espino AM, Hillyer GV. Identification of fatty acid molecules in a Fasciola hepatica immunoprophylactic fatty acid-binding protein. Journal of Parasitology 2001, 87(2): 426-8. PMID: 11318577


Espino AM., Dumenigo BE. International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens. Chapter 32: Foodborne Helminth: Fasciola hepatica. Marcel Dekker Inc, pages: 539-562, 2004.

Figueroa-Santiago O., Espino AM. 2020. Possible role for Toll-like receptors in interaction of Fasciola hepatica Excretory-Secretory products with Human Monocyte Cell line. eBook: Fasciola hepatica Methods and Protocols, Chapter 12. Sprinter Protocols (ISBN 978-1-0716-0475-5).

Figueroa-Santiago O., Espino AM. 2020. Purification of native Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein and Induction of alternative activation of human macrophages. eBook: Fasciola hepatica Methods and Protocols, Chapter 12. Sprinter Protocols (ISBN 978-1-0716-0475-5).

Espino AM, Dumenigo BE, Fasciola hepatica: Immnunodiagnosis, Pathology and Control. International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Chapter 32, pp: 539-562, 2003.

Espino AM. Maestría en Biotecnología. Aplicaciones de la Biotecnología. Capitulo 9: Diseño de vacunas. Escuela Superior de Enseñanza Abierta, Universidad de Granada (Texto docente) (http://cevug.ugr.es)

Experience mentoring students

18 undergraduates, 6 MS and 12 PhD students in the area of Parasite Immunology and Molecular Parasitology.


        1.     Espino Ana M.: Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein a novel anti-inflammatory molecule. Patent Number 10,376,561 by the US Patent and Trademark Office. August 13, 2019.

        2.     Espino, Ana M.: Recombinant F. hepatica fatty acid binding protein suppresses toll-like receptor stimulation in response to multiple bacterial ligands. U.S. Patent Application No.: 16/280,999 Date: 02/22/2023.

        3.     Espino, A.M.: Recombinant Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein (Fh15): An anti-inflammatory biotherapeutic. Attorney Docket No. 71900-35099, Date: 08/12/2022