Vilma T. McCarthy, MD, FAPA

Vilma T. McCarthy, MD, FAPA
Interim Associate Dean for Student Affairs

Welcome to the Associate Deanship for Student Affairs, where we are highly committed to student success.  We strive to provide an inclusive, supportive, and safe learning environment by promoting personal and professional development. Our different programs are key to reach the UPR School of Medicine’s mission of educating diverse, competent, and humane physicians and researchers.

It is the Associate Deanship for Student Affairs responsibility to oversee the UPR School of Medicine admission process, and to provide academic and personal counseling once enrolled.  We guide the student through the intricate, but at the same time, exhilarating process of applying to their residency program of choice.  Through a collaboration with the Office of Development, the Economic Assistance Program, and the Hispanic Excellence Center, we are stewards of the UPR School of Medicine’s financial aid resources available to students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.  We are keen in keeping the students informed in emerging opportunities regarding scholarships, research, awards, and summer internships locally, in the US and abroad.

Looking after the health and well-being of the students enrolled in the UPR School of Medicine is one of the main functions of the Associate Deanship for Student Affairs.  Students identified with potential medical or mental health issues are evaluated and promptly referred to medical and psychological services. It is well known that healthy living leads to desired educational outcomes. We are very proud of our Wellness Program/Center, which provides resources and workshops that promote self-care strategies and self-reflection to deal with stress and anxiety.  Our Careers Planning Program helps the student navigate through the sometimes- overwhelming task of finally choosing a medical specialty.

There are many student organizations and interest groups fostered by the Associate Deanship for Student Affairs.  They are vital for a robust student life experience and include, among others, diversity, community service and almost all medical specialties.  An atmosphere of respect and tolerance within the groups always pervades.

In summary, we play a vital role in our future MDs’ journey through the UPR School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus.  Our outstanding and committed staff is there to support them from day one and is also there to share their excitement while coordinating their most important milestones: “The Investiture Ceremony”, “Match Day” and “The Swearing-In and Recognition Ceremony”.  All in all, as their main advocate, the Associate Deanship for Student Affairs has the honorable duty to ensure that the students’ voices are heard.



Vilma T. McCarthy, MD, FAPA

Interim Associate Dean for Student Affairs