
Insights into Gut Dysbiosis: Inflammatory Diseases, Obesity, and Restoration Approaches

The gut microbiota is one of the most critical factors in human health. It involves numerous physiological processes impacting host health, mainly via immune system modulation. A balanced microbiome contributes to the gut’s barrier function, preventing the invasion of pathogens and maintaining the integrity of the gut lining. Dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut microbiome’s composition and function, disrupts essential processes and contributes to various diseases.

Shift gut

Shifts in the gut microbiota of sea urchin Diadema antillarum associated with the 2022 disease outbreak

In recent decades, Caribbean coral reefs have lost many vital marine species due to diseases. The well-documented mass mortality event of the long-spined black sea urchin Diadema antillarum in the early 1980s stands out among these collapses. This die-off killed over 90% of D. antillarum changing the reefscape from coral to algal-dominated. Nearly 40 years later, D. antillarum populations have yet to recover. In early 2022, a new

Dr. Stephanie M. Dorta

Recent Publication in Cancers by the Dorta Lab

The Microbiology Department proudly shares a manuscript just published in Cancers by the Dorta Lab, focusing on identifying immune and microbial biomarkers associated with PD-1 Blockade Sensitivity in a Preclinical Model for HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancer The first authors are Miss Jennifer Diaz, a PhD candidate of Dr. Dorta who has focused her work on…