F. L. Raffucci Forum
37th Memorial Lecture and Surgical Research Forum
Friday, February 24, 2017
Hotel La Concha
9:00 am
Call for Abstract
The 37th Annual F. L. Raffucci Memorial Lecture and Surgical Research Forum was established to honor the memory of Dr. Francisco L. Raffucci Arce, pioneer surgical educator and researcher in Puerto Rico, and to foster the development of surgical research in our Island, serving as a forum for the presentation of original research by young surgical investigators.
You are invited to submit a one page abstract with the following specifications:
- First line – title in bold
- Second line – Authors (Presenting authors should be underlined)
- Third line – Department, School and Institution for each
- Limited to 250 words (title, authors & affiliations not included)
- The abstract should be formatted (Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion)
- All abstracts must include the phrase “Approved by IRB” in the Method section.
- PRHSJ will not publish works that are not IRB approved
For example of the abstract format please see attached document. The font size to be used is Arial 11.
All abstracts should be submitted to normacruz001@gmail.com or evelyn.rivera14@upr.edu electronically. Call or email for deadline exceptions inquiries.
For more information please contact Ms. Evelyn Rivera at 787-772-8300 ext 1102 or by email at evelyn.rivera14@upr.edu
[pdf-embedder url=”https://md.rcm.upr.edu/surgery/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2017/02/Example-Abstarct-RAFFUCI.pdf”]