What is Family Medicine?
In the increasingly fragmented world of health care, one thing remains constant: family physicians are dedicated to treating the whole person. Family medicine’s cornerstone is an ongoing, personal patient-physician relationship focusing on integrated care.
Unlike other specialties that are limited to a particular organ or disease, family medicine integrates care for patients of both genders and every age, and advocates for the patient in a complex health care system.
The AAFP represents 115,900 physicians and student members nationwide. It is the only medical society devoted solely to primary care. Approximately one in four of all office visits are made to family physicians. That is 214 million office visits each year– nearly 74 million more than the next largest medical specialty… aafp.org
What happens once you finish FM residency?
The journey of a family physician resident does not have to end once completing residency. To contrary believe, Family Medicine is so diverse that it provides a wide variety of post residency training or fellowships.