The Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program at the University of Puerto Rico is a five-year training program which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education. It is currently accredited to accept four residents each year through the match. There are a total of 20 residents in the program.

Our mission is to prepare orthopaedic surgeons for their independent practice, become role models in their communities, their colleagues and their patients. The program will pursue national and international recognition in the orthopaedic field through focused research, education and clinical service, while maintaining the highest ethical standards and providing compassionate healthcare services.

Orthopaedic Surgery is a fascinating specialty due to the wide array of conditions that are managed. The variety of clinical scenarios including the operating room is another strength. These characteristics make orthopaedics an extremely competitive field. Candidates for orthopaedic residencies generally graduate at the top of their medical school class, and complemented by hard work and other human values.
The Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program at the University of Puerto Rico is a five-year training program which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education. It is currently accredited to accept four residents each year through the match. There are a total of 20 residents in the program.