The Immunology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory is located in the third floor of the Medical Sciences Campus Building (Dr. Guillermo Arbona-Irizarry Bldg.) School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Suite B-312, at the Puerto Rico Medical Center Grounds.
Working Hours
The regular working hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
The Immunology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, is a clinical immunology laboratory that specializes in the research and development of leading edge application of immunogenetics, flow cytometry and molecular biology in the evaluation of the immune system of cancer patients and patients with bacterial, parasitic or viral infections. The laboratory started in 1980, as a core facility of the Puerto Rico Cancer Center, Medical Sciences Campus, a tumor immunology research center and laboratory of immunology that provided testing services to patients in the academic and general medical community. At the present time, the Department of Pathology in response to the need for incisive diagnostic and prognostic testing in oncology and diseases of the immune system offers the following specialized services:
- Immunophenotyping of lymphomas and leukemias
- Immunodeficiency panels for HIV infected patients and patients with other viral diseases.
- WBC Count in leukoreduced blood products
- Enumeration of CD34+ cells
- Granulocytes functional tests (oxidative burst)
The Immunology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory is led by full time MD and Ph.D level scientists, who are available for consultation. Knowledgeable medical technologists are readily available to answer your questions and expedite your requests to service.
The Immunology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory participates in the College of American Pathologists Proficiency Programs.
List of Tests
- Lymphocyte Subset Analysis: T, B and NK enumeration
- Leukemia/Lymphoma Evaluation
- Neutrophil oxidative burst
- CD34(+) cell enumeration
- Residual white blood cell count in leukoreduced blood components
You may modify the leukemia/lymphoma panel above by asking for specific markers.
Laboratory Staff and Contact Information
Name Phone
Diana Negrón, MD, FCAP, FASCP (787) 759-6758
Laboratory Director (787) 758-2525 ext. 1334 / 1338
Julio I. Colón-Pérez, Ph.D (787) 759-6758
Technical Supervisor (787) 758-2525 ext. 1334 / 1347
Sandra Y. Vélez-López (787) 759-6758
Medical Technologist (787) 758-2525 ext. 1334
Ana L. González-Caraballo (787) 759-6758
Medical Technologist (787) 758-2525 ext. 1334
Laboratory Accreditation
Health Care Financing Administration (CLIA Certificate #40D0658324)
Puerto Rico Department of Health – (Lic. 596)