Acting Chair and Professor

Welcome to the Department of Medicine!!! In our webpage, you will find information about our academic mission of education, service and research. Our goal is to excel in the development of physicians that have not only the knowledge and skills to practice medicine for adults, but also the professional and humane qualities of the empathic and dedicated physician. We strive to prepare internists for the many treads of life where they may find themselves, from the academic arena to providing care for the underserved, and to represent the multiple career options in Medicine. Students and residents will find a committed faculty and staff to guide and encourage them through their growth as physicians, internists, subspecialists and human beings.
Our Department is made up of a solid core of enthusiastic internists in the Division of General Internal Medicine, supported by the Subspecialty Divisions of Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Hematology and Medical Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Neurology, Pulmonary Diseases and Rheumatology-Allergy & Immunology.
Our training program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and we offer a broad choice of fellowships in the various subspecialties of Medicine. Within each of our divisions, education of medical students, residents, fellows and allied health personnel is carried out daily. High quality medical services are offered to inpatients at the University Hospital, the Cardiovascular Center, the Hospital of the University of Puerto Rico in Carolina, and in various outpatient facilities. The wards, clinics and intensive care units are training sites for residents, fellows and students. The level of medical care we offer ranges from primary to highly specialized, supra-tertiary and sophisticated, and patients are received from all over Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. An emphasis in teamwork, collaboration and collegiality with other specialties characterizes us.
As part of its commitment to increasing scientific knowledge, the Department of Medicine has a significant involvement in clinical research. This activity serves also as a training ground for students and residents, who benefit from the many areas of investigation available to choose from.
We hope that our website provides you with a vision of whom and what we are. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of further assistance.
Adelaida T. Ortiz, MD, FACP
Assistant Professor & Acting Chair