Microbiome takes centre stage at keynote lecture

A fascinating talk on microbiome disruption and restoration was delivered by Dr Martin Blaser for the Ashford Memorial Lecture 2023. Co-organised by Filipa Godoy-Vitorino, AMI Global Ambassador for the Americas (Caribbean Region), the Ashford Memorial Lecture 2023 celebrated the legacy of Dr. Bailey Kelly Ashford, one of the founding fathers of the University of Puerto Rico School of…

Dr. Fernando Joglar,

Avances clínicos en el manejo de la Trombosis Venosa Profunda evitarían las intervenciones en quirófano

La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP), es la formación de coágulos de sangre en sistema venoso, el cual conecta con el sistema circulatorio y permite que la sangre circule hacía el corazón: “se forma un coágulo, pegado a las paredes de esa vena, que puede ocurrir usualmente en los pies, pero puede ser también en la pelvis, el…


Congratulations to our residents that approved the Basic Exam from the American Board of Anesthesiology

The Department of Anesthesiology wants to congratulate our residents: Dr. Paola De Jesús, Dr. Laura García and Dr. Luis Echevarría for having approved the Basic Examination from the American Board of Anesthesiology. Dr. Luis Echevarría also had the distinction of being in the top 10% of the candidates who took the exam. The program went…
