The regulations and requirements herein contained have been extracted from documents approved by the Academic Senate as of July, 1976. Amendments were introduced and approved by the Graduate Committee in 1977. It is the responsibility of the student to become fully familiar with the contents of this section.The Division of Graduate Studies for Biomedical Sciences of the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, offers two advanced degrees: the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy. In administering these academic degrees the Division Imposes certain minimum requirements upon the student while permitting free latitude in choice of studies and the utilization of all resources of the University relevant to his or her work. The Division emphasizes that the exercise of initiative and the development of independent, creative research work and of critical, objective thinking are necessary for the pursuit of scientific truth and thus, are essential aspects of graduate education. If no instance shall it be implied or inferred that the faithful performance of work in completion of the minimum requirements set down by the division will necessarily fully qualify the candidate for the degree.At present MS and Ph.D degrees are offered in the departments of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition, Microbiology and Medical Zoology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Physiology.
Anyone interested in these programs should write to the Director, Division of Graduate Studies, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, PO Box 365067, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-5067.