The divisions facilities are housed in the Medical Sciences Campus building,
with ancillary facilities at the:
Caribbean Primate Research Center
Cancer Center
Latin American Center for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Center for Energy and Environmental Research
Veterans Administration Hospital
University Hospital
University Pediatric Hospital
And affiliated hospitals
Each department has its own laboratories and office space for faculty and students as well as specialized equipment. A system of core laboratories serves the needs of several departments, providing facilities for tissue culture, electron microscopy, flow cytometry and cell sorting, histocompatibility testing, and hybridoma preparation, as well as a BL3 virology laboratory, an AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) certified laboratory, facilities for molecular biology and molecular parasitology, and state-of-the-art animal facilities, including BL3 areas for primates. These facilities house research and teaching laboratories, faculty offices, lecture rooms, and specialized libraries.A central library serves the general needs of the academic community, and there are electronic linkages with other local and national libraries.
Students are granted access to the resources they may need to carry out their research program.